Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lets paint it red for next year!!

It has taken a long time, for us to catch up with Lewis, the 2008 World Champion. But, in our defence, it takes time, when the man in question, spends half his time, running from the police for jumping the red signal ( Kimi might sympathize) and the other half, for paying speeding tickets or fines for driving under the influence of alcohol. But the reigning world champion, has been graceful enough to give us sometime, while holidaying in St. Lucia, where the champion wasted no time in getting high.

Here are some excerpts from our conversation with Lewis " I nearly blew it again" Hamilton.

WaG: First of all congratulations on your championship, Lewis.
LH: Yeah thanks. I worked really hard, to lose it again, but then, these days money talks.

WaG: This is with reference to the dramatic last turn overtake of Timo Glock???
LH: Yes, it was a tough race. I worked very hard. I was driving aggressively and on the edge. But I somehow got beaten by a Minardi. But then, Mclaren worked out a behind my back deal with Toyota, the moment Vettel showed me his back. Mclaren agreed to fund the Toyota F1 racing team for the next 5 years. If Toyota are not happy with the progress, I can still have the championship stripped off, when they go public.

WaG: Interesting, the politics of F1. But you still had a great year. Can you explain the Vettel move in the last race from your point of view?
LH: Well, I raced hard, was driving flat out, but at the end of the day, the Minardi was too much for the Mclaren Mercedes to handle. It was a good move, but I thought he pushed me off the racing line a bit and that was not good.

WaG: Ofcourse. What made you interested in racing?
LH: The freedom to drive flat out. That is the biggest thing.

WaG interrupts: Like ramming into the car in front when the red light flashes brighter than ever.
LH: Hehe. Yeah, that was fun. But, ofcourse, that is something I can do on the racing track, and get away with it. Also, blocking cars, going off road and taking others with me, I own the road. However, shifting from the race track to the roads, has been a huge mental adjustment, as can be seen, from the number of tickets I had to pay on the road this season.

WaG: Yes, tough to be an F1 driver. How did you feel, when the idea about Wembley was mooted?
LH: Honestly, I was releived when the idea was called off. If you look through my F1 career, I have never been able to overtake someone without taking him off road, or myself off road. So I thought it would be something very risky for the public and the guy whom I was racing against.

He signs off by saying that he has been working hard this off season, to make out the difference between red and green, and for that, he suggests, they paint Mclaren red next year, and believes that is the only way he can keep the championship, how to keep his car on track without pushing the other one off, as he tries to overtake, or gets overtaken, and hopes for a less eventful 2k9.

Whatever you say about the guy, he won the championship after all, and deserves credit for that. But WaG, cant settle with that, and has to add this - the two best drivers were not even contending for the championship.


Ashwin Iyer said...

Bias ain't good!!!
Too many people hate the world champion, and that too, for the wrong reasons!

Unknown said...

OMG!! uve completely lost it....what has cypress done to you!!

Anonymous said...

why ??????????????

Anonymous said...

ha ha loser !!

Unknown said...

An excellent expose of the behind the scene deal between toyota and McLaren....the highlight of Lewis' season was that pit lane fiasco with kimi...neways wait till 2009...Kimi will rule!!!!!

PS- Somebody spoke of bias..I don't understand where that came from

Abhi said...

i thought flat out was the kimi punchline... anyways, watch out for fernando renault.. oops.. alonso next year.... he might have something to say between ur man and the championship